Browsing Archive: February, 2010

A Graphic Giggle

Posted by Dalene on Thursday, February 25, 2010,

A generation of talented graphic designers and artists have created many an image accepted and loved by society. It is a new generation of designers and artists who have come along with the same appreciation for art, however, they view this art with a satirical eye, seeing potential in every piece. The Pieter Dirk Uys and Zapiro of the graphic parody world!

No work of art, no matter ...

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If I were boss

Posted by Dalene on Thursday, February 25, 2010,

I know what I would like to say. I know what you’d like to hear. I know that everyone’s inner child comes knocking when this question is posed. I want to say that if I was boss, I’d install free gumball machines around the office, and the common room would have a Nintendo Wii installed. I’d love to say that daily I would call random employees into my office to give them a cookie...

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Two people came out of a building and into a story

Posted by Dalene on Sunday, February 21, 2010,

Two people came out of a building. What a pair. A high-heeled middle aged woman in a tweed coat clicked down the stairs as a stout balding man scurried after her.

“Listen,” she snapped, “I told you, my mother left me this ring; I am the one keeping it safe until we find a buyer.”

She had no intention of entrusting him with the ring. The man who managed to lose keys, misplace readi...

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Who Saves the Day?

Posted by Dalene on Sunday, February 21, 2010,

Gunfire darting through the streets, dynamite illuminating the alleys, screaming women and children running for cover. The baddies have reigned chaos in the city and it’s up to *insert cartoon character name here* to save the day. All in 2D.

There are so many superheroes out there to choose from, but which one is best qualified to tackle villains day after day? Hmmm.

Superman always see...

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Designer Public Relations. The Perfect Fit for Every Company.

Posted by Dalene on Monday, February 15, 2010,

What is ‘designer public relations’? The phrase has not officially been coined as of yet, however, I intend to have a hand in contributing to its meaning. You get designer handbags, designer shoes, designer jewellery, so why should public relations be any different?

Usually when something is ‘designer’ it has its very own brand name so that people can differentiate between their ...

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What Would You Take on an Island?

Posted by Dalene on Monday, February 15, 2010,

If I were stranded on an island alone, what three inanimate objects would I opt to have at my disposal?

After wandering around the island aimlessly for about an hour trying to figure out how the hell I got there in the first place, I’d probably find a comfy patch of soft sand to ponder on before ordering my three objects from the magical genie lamp.

I would probably try my luck an...
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Is Polygamy a Feminist Issue?

Posted by Dalene on Monday, February 15, 2010,
For many women, hearing Respect by Aretha Franklin means foot tapping or animated singing into a hairbrush. For others, however, it’s a corner stone of what they stand for: equality among men and woman.

Marriage is alone a feminist issue, I mean, how fair is it that based on the values of Polygamy men get to take more than one wife. But hold on a minute, what is it called when a woman takes on many husbands? It’s called ‘unheard of’, that’s what. Where is the equality in that? After ...

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About Blogger

Dalene Ingham-Brown I am an energetic and passionate BTech PR student on a journey to achieve Public Relations awesomeness. My polaroids say it all :-)
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