Browsing Archive: April, 2010

The sound of one hand clapping

Posted by Dalene on Sunday, April 25, 2010,

What exactly does 'the sound of one hand clapping' sound like? I imagine it to be something like this:

Smack. "Ouch".

There are many differentiations - pretty much any sound made by a hand connecting loudly with someone's face... and then, of course, the yelp of pain coming from the slapee*.

*Daleneville Dictionary Definition: ‘slapee’ (noun) the person on the receiving end of ...

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The Real Investment - Cluetrain Manifesto Thesis

Posted by Dalene on Sunday, April 25, 2010, In : Opinion 

"Maybe you’re impressing your investors. Maybe you’re impressing Wall Street. You’re not impressing us." - No. 69 The Cluetrain Manifesto thesis.

An organisation’s first priority? The bottom line. The more investors they get, the more money they make. It's pure greed.

They are ignoring the market by only aiming to impress investors. One message, one mission, one tactic.

We turn ...

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Not all who wander are lost

Posted by Dalene on Thursday, April 15, 2010, In : Creative 

Travelling the world with purpose in mind,

A mission for growth and learning to find.

Zest for life, eager to explore,

Open minded and yearning for more.

Mind like sponge, heart like glue

Worldly appreciation finding you.

Guided by whim, unafraid to discover,

Curiosity affair, the unknown is your lover.

Nothing to fear, no emotional cost

True to belief: not all who wander are l...

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Dream big

Posted by Dalene on Thursday, April 15, 2010, In : Inspirational 

After an exhausting day of, well, just about everything, there is always one sweet sanctuary you turn to. Sleep glorious sleep. There are few things better than finding that perfect position conducive to heavenly sleep. Wrapped up, snug in your blankie, your head pressed in the perfect position on your pillow: ready for your bed to swallow you whole as you drift into dreamland.

What fe...

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Funny or Sick?

Posted by Dalene on Saturday, April 10, 2010, In : Funny 

Satirists have been poking fun at serious issues for decades, which has evoked many a fair giggle. However, sometimes people just go too far…

The internet is filled with mounds of information *blah* *blah* which is accessible to anybody with a service provider and the ability to use Google *blah* *blah*. In browsing this infinity of content we find awesomely creative and funny content, until we don...

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How do you step from a 100ft pole?

Posted by Dalene on Saturday, April 10, 2010, In : Inspirational 

Excuses excuses excuses. All the time. Why we can’t do this or why we won’t do that. Excuses are the propellers that drive your hand to wave opportunity goodbye. Courage vs stupidity. The trick is learning to tell the difference.

I am sure I can speak for the majority when I say that we try to live our lives relatively dumbass free. We understand that having no previous skateboard ...

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Dalene Ingham-Brown I am an energetic and passionate BTech PR student on a journey to achieve Public Relations awesomeness. My polaroids say it all :-)
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