Showing category "Inspirational" (Show all posts)

Dream big

Posted by Dalene on Thursday, April 15, 2010, In : Inspirational 

After an exhausting day of, well, just about everything, there is always one sweet sanctuary you turn to. Sleep glorious sleep. There are few things better than finding that perfect position conducive to heavenly sleep. Wrapped up, snug in your blankie, your head pressed in the perfect position on your pillow: ready for your bed to swallow you whole as you drift into dreamland.

What fe...

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How do you step from a 100ft pole?

Posted by Dalene on Saturday, April 10, 2010, In : Inspirational 

Excuses excuses excuses. All the time. Why we can’t do this or why we won’t do that. Excuses are the propellers that drive your hand to wave opportunity goodbye. Courage vs stupidity. The trick is learning to tell the difference.

I am sure I can speak for the majority when I say that we try to live our lives relatively dumbass free. We understand that having no previous skateboard ...

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About Blogger

Dalene Ingham-Brown I am an energetic and passionate BTech PR student on a journey to achieve Public Relations awesomeness. My polaroids say it all :-)
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